
Is it possible to heal your heart with Vitamin D?


Is it possible to heal your heart with Vitamin D?

 | By Steve Walker | @SteveWalkerWeb

The heart is the main organ of the body. It maintains the blood flow and it also provides oxygen to every part of the body with blood. Recently, University of Leeds carried out a study1 and revealed that vitamin D3 improves the heart function. Vitamin D3 can improve heart function of people with heart muscle weakness. This is a major breakthrough for heart patients.

Sunlight is a major source for vitamin D3. Heart failure patients are mostly deficient with vitamin D3. It mostly happens in summer because older people make less vitamin D3 due to lack of exposure to the sunlight. The study also revealed that sunscreen is also a major reason of this deficiency. Sunscreens reduce the production of vitamin D3 in the skin.

In the study, 160 patients from Leeds who were already being treated for their heart failure using proven treatments including beta-blockers, ACE-inhibitors and pacemakers. The patients were advised to take vitamin D3 or regular tablets for one year. Those who took vitamin D3 showed improvement in heart function. This improvement was not seen in those patients who took tablets. In the 80 patients who took Vitamin D3, the heart’s pumping function improved from 26% to 34%. In the others, who took tablets, there was no change in cardiac function.

Studies show that regular doses of vitamin D can improve the functionality of the heart.

In order to make your heart function properly, you should consider taking vitamin D3. You can either enjoy sunlight for it or you can also take vitamin D3 tablets. Both can help. In its purest form, it can only be acquired from direct sunlight. It is also found in oily fish and eggs which you can add to your breakfast. Vitamin D3 is vital for healthy bones and teeth. It has important health benefits throughout the body but many people are not familiar.

Now, the patients of heart diseases can avoid surgeries to make their heart function properly. Intake of vitamin D3 regularly may lessen the need for heart to be fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Heart failure hits about 900,000 people in the UK and more than 23 million worldwide. Heart diseases can affect anybody but these are more common in people over 75 years old.

Vitamin D not just only heals the heart, it also regulate the insulin levels to aid diabetes. In pregnant women, vitamin D can ensure healthy child. It can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of flu and influenza. Vitamin D is beneficial for human health in other ways also.

The researchers avoided using calcium in this study because calcium can cause further problems for heart failure patients. They restricted the study to Vitamin D3 only and the results were very satisfying. Based on this study, it is now proven that heart failures can be cured with vitamin D3. Sufficient amount of intake in healthy people can also lessens the chance of getting affected by heart diseases and other related problems.