
The health benefits of turmeric


The health benefits of turmeric

 | By Steve Walker | @SteveWalkerWeb

Turmeric is a common spice that can be utilised in and on food. It is easily recognised by its vibrant, golden colour.

It can also be taken as a supplement. Turmeric contains an array of vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, iron, and zinc. Because of its nutrient rich nature, it is often used to treat health issues. Turmeric is considered an antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and even anticarcinogenic. Following are six of the best and most health benefits of turmeric.

Works with the immune system

Turmeric can assist in stimulating antioxidant genes. Doing so helps to combat harmful oxidants trying to affect the body.

When your immune system is trying to ward off harmful invaders, turmeric works in defence against the negative side effects that are caused by your body’s immune response.

Beneficial for the brain and mind

Turmeric is proven to decrease the likelihood of age-related mental degeneration. It even can help those with existing brain conditions as well as prevent neurological inflammation and replace neurons that have faced damage. It is said that turmeric can decrease the hormones involved in disorders and diseases, including Alzheimer’s and depression – two common areas of strife for many people today. Turmeric has demonstrated the ability to combat depression as well as common pharmaceuticals.

Reduces inflammation

The pain of inflammation can be striking and debilitating. Inflammation occurs with many chronic diseases. Fighting off the inflammation can be beneficial for disease prevention and disease treatment. Fortunately, turmeric is a natural, and affective, anti-inflammatory. One of the most common problems that turmeric is helpful for is arthritis, as it is beneficial for joint inflammation.

Lower risk of heart disease

Turmeric is able to help better the function of blood vessel lining, thus preventing clotting and reducing the risk of heart attack. Turmeric also can help lower cholesterol levels, helping to treat high cholesterol and prevent problems with cholesterol levels.

Lessen risk and treat cancer

From research, it seems that turmeric can help reduce the size of cancer cells, as well as help treat cancer in humans. In a study in 2011 conducted by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre1 , it appeared that large doses of turmeric are able to prevent cancer, especially colorectal cancer. More research needs to be done in regards to prevention, but any chance of prevention is better than nothing!

Keep diabetes on track and prevent type 2

Treating diabetes can be difficult, but turmeric is able to help moderate insulin levels, and aids in keeping glucose levels on track. For those without diabetes, turmeric can serve as a way to avoid insulin resistance, thus reducing the likelihood of type-2 diabetes onset. The ability for turmeric to stabilize glucose levels is also beneficial for those fighting with low blood sugar, thus allowing it to help all of those along the spectrum.