Protein is an important nutrient which helps the body to build and repair muscles, cells and tissues. Many people exceed the suggested intake amount of protein easily with improper diet plan. What effect is that having on our health?
For men, health experts recommend 56 grams of protein per day and for women, the recommended daily amount of protein is 46 grams. High protein diets are suitable for people trying to lose weight and build muscles. However, there may be some consequences to consuming too much protein.
Some of the problems that an individual can face with overconsumption of protein are:
Weight Gain
Excess protein means excess calories which may be stored as body fat. The body fat increases the body weight. In the short term, high protein diet might help you to lose weight but if you are consuming too many eggs or whey protein, you are more likely to gain more weight.
Kidney Problems
Experts believe that high protein and low carbohydrate diets can possibly cause kidney issues. However, research is being carried out to make their point clear. Protein diets are also rich in nitrogen byproducts. The kidneys have to function harder than usual to get rid of extra nitrogen. This could cause serious damage to the kidneys.
Extra consumption of protein can also cause dehydration if you do not drink a sufficient amount of water. It takes extra water to break down protein for use and get rid of the waste. In order to avoid dehydration, you should drink half a gallon of water per 100 grams of protein. If this ratio is not maintained, there remains a risk of dehydration.
Calcium Loss
Overconsumption of protein can make your body excrete more calcium in your urine. The need for dietary calcium becomes inevitable. If you do not consume sufficient calcium, you bones will become weak with the passage of time. As you grow older, there is a risk of developing osteoporosis. If you are consuming high protein diet, you should also consume sufficient dietary calcium to maintain the balance. High Calcium milk and calcium tablets can help you to maintain the proper amount of calcium in your body and keep your bones strong.
Excess of anything is not good for health. This list may seem alarming but it is also worth remembering that many of these side effects are only associated with highly excessive protein diets and unbalanced nutrition. This list seems nothing in comparison to the side effects of lack of protein consumption. Lack of protein can cause hair loss, mental stress and sleep disorders.
Some experts also suggest that an average person needs 0.4 grams of protein per pound of the body weight. People who are more involved in exercise and bodybuilders may require more than this amount.
With protein, it is advised to maintain the right amount. Excess and less consumption can be harmful for the health. You should not be a mathematician and keep calculating the amount of protein intake. Just play safe and try to create a balance in your diet plan.
Check out our other article, where we conversely looked at what happens when you consume protein without training .